A small piece that is placed over the write protect notch on a diskette to prevent the recording of data so that prerecorded data will not is erased. 粘贴在软盘写保护槽上的薄片,用于阻止对磁盘的写入,以保护软盘上原有的数据不被抹去。
Diskette for cleaning disk drives in automatic data processing machines 软磁盘,用于清洗自动数据处理机上的磁盘驱动器
A notch on the side of a diskette, used to allow the recording of data on the diskette. 软盘边上的一种缺口,用于允许在软盘上记录数据。
On disk or diskette storage, an addressable subdivision of a track used to record one block of a program or data. 在软盘或磁盘存储器中,一条磁道上可编址的分区,用来记录程序或数据。
INsert boot diskette in drive A: Press spacebar when ready. key-to-disk data input system 请你把驱动盘插入软驱,准备好了之后,按空格键继续。键盘-磁盘数据输入系统
The diskette is one of the main external devices for computer to store every kind of data, which will be damaged if a user once distreats. 磁盘是计算机的主要外围设备之一,也是保存各类数据最有效的存储实体。